Month: May 2024

Hand Holding a Rounders Bat and Ball


About PsychoKarate

PsychoKarate is a sportsgame invented about 35 years ago by the author (Enda Mulcahy) and friends – circa 1989. The sportsgame involves a combination of Baseball and Karate in that teams of two players try to bring a baseball bat thrown into the pitcher’s mound back to their own base.

With two bases each on opposing sides of the diamond, the player who gets the baseball bat safely back to their or their team-mates base gains a point for their team and throws it back in to the pitcher’s mound again.

The bat is padded to avoid injury and players may wrestle and use karate moves on each other to try and prevent the opposing team scoring a point or to try to prise the baseball bat away from the opposing team.

The player in possession of the padded baseball bat may use it to ward off opposing team players.

The game can also be played as an individual game 4 players against each other or as many players as can be fit into a constructed baseball diamond, with the diamond not necessarily having to be four sides and four bases.

The game may be timed or up to 9 points (or as many points as pre-determined).

Baseball Diamond Photo

Hand Holding a Rounders Bat and Ball

Image Credit

Photo Credit: roibu Hand holding a rounders ball. Rounders is a bat and ball game between two team that involves hitting a hard leather cased ball with a wooden bat. [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 19 February 2022][Last Accessed 30 December 2023][Edited for Eirball Irish Sports Archives by Enda Mulcahy 30 December 2023]

About This Document

Researched, compiled and written by Enda Mulcahy for the Eirball – Irish, North American and World Sports Archives.

First Published: 26 May 2024. Last Edited: 26 May 2024.

All Rights reserved. You may quote this document in part provided proper acknowledgent is given to the authors. Images are used here for educational and information purposes. The copyright with the images remains with the relevant copyright holders.


  1. Photo Credit: roibu Hand holding a rounders ball. Rounders is a bat and ball game between two team that involves hitting a hard leather cased ball with a wooden bat. [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 19 February 2022][Last Accessed 30 December 2023][Edited for Eirball Irish Sports Archives by Enda Mulcahy 30 December 2023] ↩︎