Irish Open 2019 Results
Grade | Gold | Silver | Bronze |
Mini Boy 26kg | Bastian Wrona | Nikita Sergejevs | Abubakr Musaev |
Mini Boy 28kg | Egors Socnevs | Muhammand Musaev | Aaron Cromwell |
Mini Boy 30kg | Isah Yasin | Harry Cameron | Senjay Stepanovs |
Mini Boy 33kg | Joel Morrisson | Yunus Magomayev | Aleksander Monko |
Mini Boy 35kg | Abdul-Rahman Patel | Timotyhy Oland | Saifulla Magomayev |
Mini Boy 49kg | Richard Paulovics | Benas Petrulis | |
School Boy 33kg | Filip Ciupinski | Alex Gibb | Kacper Pawlowski |
School Boy 40kg | Justinas Jankauskas | Andrew Kalantai | Arvydas Padreza |
School Boy 43kg | Dylan Loughlin | Aironas Andriuska | Aidan Kasparian |
School Boy 46kg | Ismael Magomayev | Brandon Blake | Bradley Legge |
School Boy 50kg | Kiril Stepanovs | Daniel Stepanovs | Jacy Jones |
School Boy 75kg | Gabriel Brym | Ryan Gee | |
Mini Girl 30kg | Kayden Dalton | Cadhla Gilhooley | Molly Collins |
Mini Girl 40kg | Wiktoria Mroz | Blanca Wrona | Olivia Babiarz |
Mini Girl 47kg | Rebecca Maxwell | Jodie McCarthy | |
Mini Girl 64kg | April McGuigan | Elisha Brady | |
Cadet Male 55kg | Lewis Redican | Marwan El Mouden | Eoghan Masoliver |
Cadet Male 65kg | Kircho Illiev | Ciaran Maskey | Iarlaith Peelo |
Cadet Male 72kg | Max Lally | Cian Loughlin | Augustin Castravet |
Cadet Male 92kg | Stefan Andrian | Alex Flood | |
Cadet Female 50kg | Aine Hanley | Charlotte McGuigan | |
Female 60kg | Lisa Farrelly | Daina Cardwell | Danni Neilan |
Junior Female 65kg | Daina Cardwell | Zoe Hurt | Weronika Urbanik |
Senior Female 80kg | Lisa Farrelly | Samantha Russell Morelli | |
Senior Male 65kg | Lewis Byrne | Jamie Bissett | Gerard Corr |
Senior Male 70kg | Franko Gruber | Marcus Phelan | Kon Fennelly |
Senior Male 74kg | Darren McCormack | Ioan Nascu | Rowan Prendiville |
Senior Male 86kg | Matthew Sheehan | Mark Gallivan | Patrick Montgomery |
Senior Male 92kg | Jozef Klimcak | Ronan Drumgoole | Hussein Moustafa |
Senior Male 97kg | Peter Newti | Zbigniew Kazlona | Ronan Campbell |
Lisa Farrely won the Irish Amateur Wrestling Association’s Irish Open 2019 Senior Female 80kg category, while Lewis Byrne (65kg), Franko Gruber (70kg), Darren McCormack (74kg), Matthew Sheehan (86kg), Jozef Klimcak (92kg) and Peter Newti (97kg) won the Senior Male Categories. In all there were 10 Male, 4 Female, 4 girls and 12 boys Categories.

About the IAWA
The Irish Amateur Wrestling Associatin is the National Governing Body of Olympic Wrestling, Pankration and Grappling Sports. It was founded in 1947, and comes under the World Governing Body of United World Wrestling. It is officially recognised by and part funded by Sport Ireland (formerly the Irish Sport Council) and the Olympic Committee of Ireland. The Associations responsibilities, other than at grassroots level, include the selection and preparation of Ireland’s teams that compete at Continental and World Championships, and Major Multi-Discipline Games (e.g. The Olympic Games and European Games).
[1] Irish Amateur Wrestling Association (2019) Results: Irish Open 2019 [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 23 November 2020]
[2] Irish Amateur Wrestling Association (2020) About Us [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 23 November 2020]
[3] Irish Amateur Wrestling Association (2019) about_us [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 23 November 2020]
Thanks to Ciaran Simms.
About this document
Researched, compiled and written by Enda Mulcahy for the
Eirball | Irish North American and World Sports Archive
Last Updated: 23 November 2020
(c) Copyright Enda Mulcahy and Eirball 2020
You may quote this document in part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the authors. All Rights Resereved.